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Does This Still Work?

Apr 29, 2020

Do you like us now that we can dance? We can mash Potato. We can do the Twist. Tell us, baby, do you like it like this? And speaking of Baby, what are your feelings on Dirty Dancing? Because that’s this week's episode and joining us to drive you crazy is the fabulously funny comedian and Vox Celeste podcast host...

Apr 22, 2020

Let's talk about sex! Let's talk about you and me. Well us and this film, anyway. Comedian DB Frick joins us to discuss Woody Allen’s most endearing and heart warming film (Joke! This film is totally not that). Also, Masters and Johnson get sued. We define Woody Allen’s alleged crimes, because why not? Meanwhile,...

Apr 15, 2020

We hear she wore blue velvet but in our hearts there'll always be this movie. Don’t put the disease in us but check out the Apple Collection. How about some Mad Cow? Richard Gere and the Gerbil. Twin Peaks or Sex in The City? Whose bigger? That’s no Heineken commercial, is it? More fucks per minute than your...

Apr 8, 2020

We say, sit on down, open your eyes and open up your ears. Put the boogie in your butt as we look at one of Eddie Murphy’s most successful films. Plus, a true life African student’s horrible encounter. A not so secret history of soap operas. What’s with the dojo? No Jheri curls in the military? Can a guy not know...

Apr 1, 2020

Only the good die young. That's what we said. Only the good die young. And that’s the upside to coronavirus. Most Republicans are not good nor young. Moving on, starting out in gibberish and moving to English? Where do ghosts notes come from? Why would ghosts ask children for assistance? Are there bulletin boards for...