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Does This Still Work?

Oct 28, 2020

Before incels had women on the internet to harass they entertained themselves by hating this movie. Join Joe and George as they check out what whiny dudes took to be man bashing as the boys  become (or don’t become) ride or die dudes for Thelma and Louise. 

Oct 21, 2020

Sunday, Monday. Happy Days! Tuesday, Wednesday. Happy Days! Thursday, Fri-Oh, forget it. You get the idea. Anyway, Joe and George welcome you to join them on a leisurely car ride otherwise known as American Graffiti.



“Where Has Teen Car Culture Gone?” at The...

Oct 14, 2020

Hey, fuck you. You cocksucker. We watched this movie while fucking your mother. Hey, oh! Seriously, the boys take a look at the classic, Raging Bull. You motherfucking cazzo. (It's the movie's fault)


National Film Registry Nomination Links 


  • FAQ:

Oct 7, 2020

What a girl wants. What a girl needs. Whatever keeps me in your arms. And I'm thanking you for being there for me. And we are there for you as the boys subject themselves to the Mel Gibson 2000 romcom, What Women Want. But is this what the guys want?  ___________________________________________________________________