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Does This Still Work?

Apr 24, 2024

Living machines from out of space having nothing better to do with their time  help a bunch of New Yorkers hang on to a condemned building. Does that sound stupid? Sure. But maybe it still works?


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Does This Still Work? - TV Podcast

Apr 17, 2024

It’s the movie that launched a sequel, a cartoon, a TV show and a remake. But does that mean it still works? Also, just how many montages can a 90 minute movie have? A lot of them, evidently.  




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Does This Still Work? - TV Podcast

Apr 10, 2024

Our patreon people picked this minor Woody Allen movie. Can’t say here if it still works but we can mention that the women are all age appropriate and nobody wants to bed an underage that’s different from Woody’s usual fare.


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Does This...

Apr 3, 2024

It’s not a sequel. It’s not a remake. It’s simply another Bad Lieutenant but this time he’s in New Orleans and he is Nicolas Cage. Does that make it better or worse? 


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Does This Still Work? - TV Podcast