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Does This Still Work?

Jan 27, 2021

Do you want to see a dead body? Try the internet! You know, the thing you’re on right now. But before computers, kids had to go to the railroad tracks to see a corpse. Isn’t that sad? Joined by guest Noah Lugeons, the boys take a look at this Rob Reiner classic. 



Boy George

Jan 20, 2021

Would a TV Show set in a watermelon patch with black actors in blackface actually be a hit? Well, Donald Trump was President, so who knows? Either way, sit back and listen as the boys take a look at this Spike Lee classic. 


Jan 13, 2021

It’s the classic story of boy meets man. Boy becomes Nazi. Then boy tries to stop his brother from becoming a Nazi. Yes, that’s right, Joe & George are covering their second Hitler lover of the year following 7 Years of Tibet. But will they enjoy this Brownshirt any better?


  • Car Makers

Jan 6, 2021

Did we have you at hello? If so, will you show us the money? Yes, Joe and George are taking a look at this 1996 hit movie. Does it still work? Let’s find out. But here is the real question, is Tom Cruise actually hot? The answer may surprise you. 


1996 in sports